
Mayfield Firsts

Most of our recipes are completely original, developed in our own test kitchen, and accordingly, are in fact world firsts. The chocolates are made our chocolate factory in Brisbane.

As a manufacturer of fine chocolates, Mayfield Chocolates has been:

First in Australia to feature a wide range of fine chocolates with real ingredients (1993)
- eg., Queensland dark rum and real caramel, as opposed to flavourings in syrups and the like.

First in the world to feature flavours of Australia (1993)
- using real produce made in Australia

First in the world to feature native flavours of Australia (1993)
- eg., wattle, lemon myrtle, kakadu plum.

First in the world to make pralines and giandujas with macadamia nuts and pecan nuts (1993)
- instead of the traditional almonds and hazelnuts

First in the world to make chocolate Christmas Truffles (1993)
- i.e., a normal sized (fruity & alcoholic) chocolate with a rolled finish, decorated like a Christmas pudding.

First in Australia to offer a complete range of chocolates with absolutely no vegetable fats (1993)
- just fresh cream or cocoa butter - and nothing hydrogenated.

First in Australia to win a Champion Chocolate Award in Sydney (1995)
- at the Royal Easter Show, presented by David Jones' (Australia) Pty Ltd

First in the world to feature over 645 billion possible boxed assortments (1996)

First in Australia to win a Champion Chocolate Award in Sydney twice (1997)
- at the Royal Easter Show

First in Australia to win a Gold Medal in international competition in Europe (1999)
- at Monde Selection Belgium

First in Australia to make real chocolate florentines (2000)
- i.e., a traditional size with no cheap fillers (i.e., no vegetable fats, flour, cereals, peanuts)

First in Australia or the English speaking world to launch a Chocolate Shop App "MayfieldChoc" (2013)

First in Queensland to do any and all of the above.

It has been said that our chocolates "taste real". This is no fluke, but an outcome of our essential philosophy. They make a memorable gift.